
DIY lead collection form

Ruby on Rails Marketing

You don't always need to rely on third-party services to get things done. In many cases, using a combination of over the counter tools and custom solutions can simplify your processes. Let's build a form so you can start capturing leads straight into your Rails app!

form.png A form I had to make to quickly start capturing leads

Creating a form to collect leads in a Ruby on Rails application is a common task and can be worthwhile. It'll give you :

  • Full Control over the data collected and how it's stored.
  • Customization for your form and the entire lead collection process to match your brand and requirements.
  • Data Ownership. With third-party services your data is stored on their servers.
  • No Additional Costs:

Plus it's quite easy! You can do this in your Rails application by following the steps below. We'll be adding a lead collection form in our homepage :

1. Generate a Leads model

rails generate model Lead email:string unsubscribed_at:datetime
rails db:migrate

💡 By default, every new lead won't have an unsubscribed_at date. That field can be populated later when you need to unsubscribe a lead from your comms.

Now let's take a moment to add a minimal validation on the email field and a simple class method that checks any time we want if a user is still subscribed :

# lead.rb
class Lead < ApplicationRecord
  validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true

  def unsubscribed?

2. Create a controller for the lead form

rails generate controller Leads create  --no-helper --no-assets --no-controller-specs --no-view-specs

It should look like this :

class LeadsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @lead = Lead.new(lead_params)
    if @lead.save
      redirect_to root_path, notice: "💌 Thanks for subscribing! We'll keep you informed."
      redirect_to root_path, notice: "Oops something went wrong!"


  def lead_params

3. Set up routes

Add a route for your leads form:

# config/routes.rb
resources :leads, only: [:new, :create]

4. Insert your form in your desired page

# app/views/pages/home.html.erb
<%= form_for(@lead) do |form| %>
  <%= form.label :email %>
  <%= form.email_field :email %>
  <%= form.submit 'Submit' %>
<% end %>

Because I'm inserting it in my homepage, I need to make @lead accessible to the PagesController, like so :

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @lead = Lead.new

And voilà! You now have a functional form that can bring leads straight to your database and you can access the active ones with Lead.where(unsubscribed_at: nil)

→ Let's get in touch

Got questions or feedback about this article? Interested in discussing your project? I'm all ears and always open to new opportunities. Shoot me an email and tell me what you have in mind.